Why start ups should hire an accountant from the outset

Start-ups don’t usually hire an accountant as they to try keep expenses as low as possible and think they can't afford a business advisor. However, instead of worrying about the costs of bringing an accountant onboard, at the start-up stage, business owners should see it as an investment that will save them time, stress, and money as they scale up.

Financials can become very complicated. Having an accountant on hand will help you to make the best decisions for your business and personal circumstances.

Accountants will also give you peace of mind by putting together yearly accounts, finding funding, and submitting data to HMRC- so that you avoid those dreary hefty fines which can add up to more than the accountant will cost you.

Managing a business, keeping customers happy and ensuring thatthe business runs smoothly is already hard work, plus having to deal with yourbusiness finances can be exhausting and extremely time-consuming. This is wherean accountant will make your life easier. The benefits outway the investment ofhaving an accountant, as not only your financials will be kept in order, butyou will have more time to focus and grown your business and build clientrelationships.

No one enjoys paying taxes, that’s why a good accountantwill help you take advantage of business tax reliefs, helping you save moneythat can be invested in other areas of your business. Missing out on these taxexemption and tax reliefs could cost you more than the actual hiring of an accountant.An accountant will provide you with the best financial advice for you and yourbusiness.

An accountant will help you more than just prepare your taxreturns and financial statements- they will also help you get your start-up offthe group with the help of other in their team, such as Bookkeepers (see Thereal cost of trying to do your own bookkeeping), Financial Consultants, andChief Financial Officer, guiding you and your business in the right direction.

At the end of the day, time is money, so why would you sacrifyyour time with learning the basics of accounting, which for most start-upbusiness owners is limited, and not use your time to grow your business. Goingthrough bank statements, invoices and receipts can be a big distraction and time-consumingactivity from the efficient functioning of your start-up.

An accountant will also step in as your advisor, providingyou with a business plan, budgeting and assist you with your financialforecasting. The prime reason to hire an accountant at a start-up stage is todevelop and grow your company and to get expert help charting the right growthtrajectory and to prevent issues that may otherwise happen unnoticed. Anaccountant is an asset and an investment to any company.

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